최초 작성일 : 2010/03/06 09:44
### HelloWorld ###
HelloWorld is a sample application that demonstrates the use of a text field to enter text using a keyboard, and a text label to display text.
HelloWorld presents a simple interface. When the application launches, it displays a navigation bar containing a text field. Tap on the text field to enter your name. Tap the Done button on the keyboard to dismiss the keyboard. The application then displays in a label what you typed in the text field.
The basic features of the application are discussed in more detail in "Your First iPhone Application" in the Reference Library <http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhone101/>.
HelloWorld는 키보드를 이용하여 text field에 text를 입력하는 기능과 text를 표시하기 위한 text label을 보여주기 위한 샘플 애플리케이션이다.
HelloWorld는 간단한 인터페이스를 보여준다. 애플리케이션이 시작되면 text field가 포함된 navigation bar가 표시된다.이름을 입력하기 위해서는
text field를 터치하면 된다. 키보드에 있는 Done 버튼을 터치하면 키보드가 가려지게 된다. 이후 이 애플리케이션은 text field에 입력한 문자열을
label에 표시한다.
이 애플리케이션의 기본적인 특징들은 Reference Library <http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhone101/>
에 있는 "Your First iPhone Application"에서 보다 상세하게 토론할 수 있다.
BUILD 요구사항:
Mac OS X 10.5.3, Xcode 3.1, iPhone OS 2.0
Mac OS X 10.5.3, iPhone OS 2.0
The UIApplication object's delegate. On start up, this object receives the applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate message; this creates a view controller and sets the window's view to the view controller's view.
UIApplication object's delegate. 애플리케이션 실행시 이 객체는 applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate 메시지를 받고
뷰 컨트롤러를 생성한 후 뷰 컨트롤러 뷰 위에 윈도우 뷰를 설정한다.
A view controller that loads the HelloWorld nib file that contains its view.
자체 뷰를 가지고 있는 HelloWorld nib 파일을 로드하는 뷰 컨트롤러
The nib file containing the main window.
메인 뷰를 가지고 있는 nib파일
The view controller's nib file.
뷰 컨트롤러의 nib파일
Version 1.7
- Updated for and tested with iPhone OS 2.0. First public release.
Version 1.6
- Updated for Beta 7.
Version 1.5
- Updated for Beta 6.
- Updated the user interface to match Human Interface Guidelines.
- Tapping on the view outside the text field dismisses the keyboard.
Version 1.4
- Updated for Beta 5.
- Made minor changes to project file -- added ReadMe, removed project-level override for ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS, added override at target level.
- Renamed -sayHello: to changeGreeting: to clarify effect.
- Removed Visible At Launch flag from window in MainWindow.xib; added [window makeKeyAndVisible] in application delegate.
Version 1.3
- Updated for Beta 4.
- Uses a nib file to create the user interface -- most of the application code is replaced.
- Uses a view controller to set up the view.
Version 1.2
Replaced the background default.png images with ones that do not have a custom text field drawn on them.
Version 1.1
Added pointer to the iPhone Reference Library.
Return key on keyboard now functions.
Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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